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Anime Fighters is a game owned by Sulley studios, originally founded by Daireb & BronzePiece, now owned by the Owner of Boss Studio, Theboss or Brandon. Publicized on June 12th, 2021, Anime Fighters is a game where you fight enemies with powerful effects. Discover new characters and earn Yen by defeating your enemies! Reach the max level and climb The leaderboards! Discover New Worlds and unlock new characters with Yen by using your fighters!
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Recent Game Update (Update 74.0.0) (07/30/2024)
NEW LIMITED TIME EVENT PART 1 Mermaid VS Pirates event🏴☠️🧜♀️
- 2 different teams were players will be designed to them randomly
- Players have to complete the quests to earn points and Crystals
- Winning team will receive SPECIAL DEMONIC UNIT
- All players who participate will receive a SPECIAL LB DIVINE UNIT
- TOP 100 receive from winning team will receive a SPECIAL CHALLENGER UNIT (Given by staff)
- TOP 10 players from general LB will receive a SPECIAL HEAVENLY UNIT (Given by staff)
- Crystal Shop will consist of some special items like fruits, boosts, Divine units and gamepasses changing every week for 2 weeks
NEW battlepass system⚔️
- Complete 50 tiers to receive a lot of rewards including:
- Mounts, Units, items
- Heavenly unit in tier 50 of Premium Pass
- Demonic unit in tier 50 of Free Pass
- Units will not be stronger than current ones, so don't become p2w but are strong enough to grind for
- Complete quests to progress in the Battlepass
- Battlepass Gamepass can be traded
Did you know...
Mada boss in Ninja Village used to have 180K Health?